Not only do bus drivers get our kiddos to and from school safely everyday, sometimes they go above and beyond the call of duty. A Texas bus driver is said to be like a “surrogate parent” to most of his students and the parents claim he treats his students like they are his own kids.
So when the bus driver noticed that the grass was over grown at one of his bust stops and the kids were having trouble, he came to the rescue. He said,
“The weeds in the yard were about knee-high to me, so you know, it was taller for children. Once the children get on my bus, I consider them my children. No one wants their kids to be covered in cockle-burs.”
The bus driver is also known for working on math problems and practicing spelling with his students on the morning bus rides. He also gives each of his students a piece of fruit as they are getting off the bus for good behavior.
It’s no wonder the parents are saying, “Mr. Martin is a genuinely great person. He drove my son’s bus in kindergarten and Gage thought he hung the moon.” And “He’s such a great guy and definitely made a positive impact on my life at such a young age.”
On top of all the glowing parent and student reviews, the bus driver is a veteran of our armed forces. Not only does he serve his students, he also served our country. He was set to retire last year, but his love for his students has kept him at his job.
Who could ask for a better bus driver or role model?