Jenelle Evans Does Controversial Interview And Sounds Desperate To Do Another Show

jenelle interview

Teen Mom star, Jenelle Evans interviewed recently with conservative talk show host, and commentator Candace Owens to talk about her experience with MTV and the ultimate firing of her and her husband.

Jenelle interview

Jenelle’s contract with MTV recently came to an end and she is now able to talk more about her experience. She was with MTV for 9 years after filming the show 16 and Pregnant, and then being chosen to film the series Teen Mom 2. Jenelle told Owens that she first decided to apply for 16 and Pregnant after seeing Farrah Abraham’s episode of the hit show.

Jenelle’s relationship with MTV ended after her now husband shot and killed their family dog and the pair were  immediately fired by MTV after fan backlash.  Owens asked Jenelle what happened during the well known incident. Jenelle explained that the dog nipped at their daughter Ensley’s face and David immediately took the dog outside and shot it.

She said that David didn’t say what he was doing at the time and the kids didn’t see or hear him killing the dog. She also said that she wanted to keep the incident as a “family matter” but that it went public after her ex, presumably Nathan Griffith called and said, “I heard a dog was shot in front of my son”.

nathan and kaiser

This phone call was leaked by TMZ shortly after and fans went nuts and Jenelle then decided it was time to do a little PR and calm the situation down.  Obviously this did not help, as both David and Jenelle were ultimately fired by MTV.

Owens then asked Jenelle about David’s response to the incident and Jenelle tried to say that it was because that’s how he was raised and that he’s “country”, she also admitted that maybe rehoming the dog should have been considered. She said that David felt sorry about the incident and that the whole thing really “upsetted”  her, yes “upsetted” her.

The two then began to focus on the low moments of Jenelle’s life with MTV.  Owens asked Jenelle about how many time she had been arrested and Jenelle chuckled and said “24 times”.  Most of them were drug related charges and avoiding court orders.


They then began to talk about Jenelle’s issues with drug abuse. Jenelle told that her drug of choice was heroin and that she was addicted for only about 6 months. Owen’s then praised her for “getting over it”. They then discussed how MTV filmed her under the influence and nodding off at times. Jenelle explained that at the time she really didn’t think anyone would notice that she was messed up. Yes Jenelle, we all definitely noticed that you were high AF.

jenelle and kieffer

They then moved on to talk about more David drama, and Jenelle was specifically asked if David was homophobic. She told Owens that he is not homophobic, but Christian.

David’s very Christian and he believes in God, so to him that didn’t seem homophobic.”

This stemmed from a Twitter rant by David that caught everyone’s attention.

Jenelle explained that David had recently gotten Twitter before the incident and that he didn’t know how dramatic it could be apparently. She went on to say that during the Twitter incident, a fan asked David “Would you want your children around transgender people?”.To which David plainly replied, “If you lay down with dogs, you get fleas”.

The Twitter conversation actually went like this:

david homo rant

Owens agreed with Jenelle and flat out said:

“Listen, I don’t want my kid, you know, at a drag time.  Absolutely not.”

 She was apparently referring to drag queen story time. Both agreed that maybe the “laying with dogs” comment was a poor choice of words, but that it was just an expression.

Then they talked about her relationship with her mom, Barbra.  We all know its been pretty tumultuous. Jenelle told Owens that she and Barb only talk to co-parent Jace and that they are currently in a custody battle but were getting along pretty well before then. Jenelle says that she has always wanted to get Jace back but pushed harder and filed again in December after feeling like her mom wasn’t handling Jace’s behavior issues.

jenelle and fam

Barb has had custody for about 8 years.  Jenelle told Owens that she only gave her mom custody in the past becuase she was told by CPS that if she didn’t that Jace would go into foster car because she could not financially support him.

This was after Jenelle basically said that Barb set her up by telling her to go out with her friends when Jace was a baby because she supposedly felt bad that Jenelle never got to do anything. Jenelle claims that she did what her mom said and went out, and came home the next morning to CPS in her driveway. C’mon Jenelle, we know you were going out and having fun long before Barb supposedly told you to.

Owens goes on to support Jenelle by saying:

“Looks like you have a happy family on Instagram, but you can’t get your son back.”

Yes, because we all know that what’s shown on social media is absolutely true…

The conversation then moved to talk of the future.  Jenelle claims that she is “looking into producing things” and that she has a lot of ideas that MTV apparently didn’t care about. Jenelle claims that she has been wanting to get into “editing” since 3rd grade.  Yep, every 3rd graders dream, to be an editor…

Jenelle then basically goes on to repeatedly say that she is “open to opportunities”. She also says she is very “open to talking to other networks” repeatedly, but when asked she claims that she would also return to MTV if asked.  She sounds super desperate at this point. We get it, you are interested in getting paid again.

The two then discuss that maybe the firing was unfair because other violent things have happened on Teen Mom that didn’t have any consequences. She points out that Amber Portwood went after her ex and son with a freakin’ machete and didn’t get fired by MTV. She has a point with this one guys. See photo of Amber acting crazy below.


But she claims that she knows MTV won’t get rid of Amber because they need that drama in the show or the ratings will drop.  She says, “they need the originals” and that fans always ask her who all these new girls on the show are.

The interviews end with Owens asking Jenelle what she hopes fans learned from her. Jenelle says she hopes fan learn from her mistakes, learn to not let people take advantage of them, and that “you can get over it“.

Overall, it was kind of a boring interview with not a lot of info that we didn’t already know.  And Jenelle made is super clear that she is desperate and “open to opportunities” pretty much wherever they come from.

See the full video for yourself: (We found this video on reddit)