Most of the ‘teen mom’ stars aren’t jobless in ‘real-life’ but MTV rarely captures off-stage moments like this. It’s often said that reality-TV stars don’t do anything besides the TV gig which doesn’t hold true for all of them.
Much like her co-stars, Briana DeJesus works a corporate job aside from her reality-TV appearances.
Briana’s has a job besides ‘Teen Mom 2’

Just recently, Briana made an announcement that she’s purchasing a new home in Orlando, Florida. She immediately faced scrutiny from some of her fans claiming that she doesn’t hold a real job.
To that, she replied with:
“I hate when people tell me to get a real job. I have one! I work in corporate America. Regular 9-5 like everyone else.”
Adding that: “I’ll never forget where I came from.”

In addition to that, Briana had to deal with another distasteful comment:
To that, Briana replied: “I don’t need to afford a house payment cause I paid for my house in full.”
“All cash, no mortgage so please stop with the bs lol and I don’t NEED my baby daddies money, I would like it so I can stop spending all of my own,” she continued.
What does Briana really do?

Briana’s real job still remains a mystery to be uncovered, but she did reveal what she did at some point.
“I work in timeshare,” she replied to a fan a few years back.
The ‘timeshare’ Briana referred to can mean that Briana works in the vacation ownership business, leasing out units to select parties.
“I deal with the backhand work of it,” she explained.
According to a website called “Payscale,” Briana’s job can net her anywhere from $40,000 to $90,000 per year.
In addition to her regular salary, Briana is compensated for her appearances on ‘Teen Mom: 2’ as she was allegedly paid $20,000 in 2017.
Since then, she became a more or less of a regular mom on the show, earning upwards of $100,000 per season.