Teen Mom fans are wondering how Chelsea DeBoer (Houska) manages to look so together during filming the hit show. She always looks flawless.
It’s no secret that she wears makeup during her filming, but is that all there is? Fans are pretty sure she has some beauty secrets she hasn’t been sharing.

Some of Chelsea’s beauty Secrets
We all know that Chelsea is a makeup guru and a trained aesthetician, but many people don’t realize she is also known to take vitamins to help her body healthy and enhance her looks. She has spoke in the past about taking vitamins to help her hair be thick, strong, and healthy.
Hair vitamins are an essential part of compounding your hair growth, mainly vitamin B7.
In one of her Facebook posts, Chelsea revealed that she’s been taking Sugarbear gummy vitamins. It was definitely a promotional move, but it seems like she also actually uses the vitamins. Her hair always looks pretty great, even though she is known for dying it regularly to maintain her fave dark red hue. We all know dying your hair can tend to make it pretty brittle and dry.
She posted on Facebook:
“Nothing is better than hair vitamins that taste like candy! Thanks @sugarbearhair for these awesome hair gummies!”

Since fans have been constantly asking Chelsea about her makeup routine, she finally decided to give in to the request and reveal the behind the scenes ‘equipment.’ It’s no surprise that she uses quality (AKA Expensive) beauty and makeup products. Only the best for the Teen Mom star. She shared some of her favorite products.

In addition to her explaining her makeup routine, Chelsea decided to bless the fans with another useful set of information.
The latest one in line will require some external help if you follow through with it. There’s no way to do this one yourself at home.
The treatment Chelsea was talking about in one of her Instagram stories is an expensive procedure called “Broadband Light Treatment,” or ‘BBL.’

It’s a treatment designed to reduce the damage done to your skin by aging or other causes like sun exposure.
Chelsea talked about the benefits on her social media: “BBL improves pigment, texture and tone… the micro-laser peel is going to resurface and also help with texture, pores, and surface pigment,” she revealed.
Chelsea also shared that she feels like controlling her weight and having healthy eating habits has also helped her to achieve her ultimate look.

Ever since Chelsea gave birth to her second baby, Watson, fans have been wondering about her post-birth weight-loss routine.
Once again, she decided to share all the tips on how she manages to stay fit after giving birth:
“I had my son. I wasn’t feeling great about myself and wasn’t feeling like myself in general.”
“I decided to sign up for [weight loss program] and make a lifestyle change.”
“Before I knew it, I was where I wanted to be AND feeling great. When I got pregnant again, I was so glad to learn that they also offer a program during pregnancy, with a goal of achieving a healthy pregnancy with the healthy weight gain that you need. My doctor has been so glad to hear that I’ve been following their plan and making it a priority to take care of myself.”

Chelsea didn’t have to travel the world for her amazing looks and to get the best treatments, she’s managed to do all of this from her home in South Dakota.
Chelsea looks great, we are just glad she’s willing to share some of her beauty secrets with us regular people.