Kailyn Lowry is one of the most prominent cast members of MTV’s ‘Teen Mom 2.’ She earned her ‘A-lister’ status by appearing on the show for no less than 10 years.

Thus far, she’s accomplished some things that mattered the most to her, but most of all – she’s trying to be a great mother to the three of her children.
“I didn’t know what was going to happen when you entered my life, but I was damn sure going to figure it out,” Lowry confessed of Isaac’s birth in her most recent book, ‘A letter of love.’
Kailyn’s past relationships

Perhaps her most interesting relationship was the one with Javi Marroquin, it lasted from 2012 all the way up to 2017.
In her book, Lowry explains that she feared divorce for a long period of time.
“The pieces of the puzzle were not fitting for Javi and me. He told me on several occasions that he had filed for a divorce…”
Adding that, “…I had not dated anyone else until after I officially filed for a divorce from Javi.”
Ready to be a wife again

In spite of most her relationships not lasting so long, the mother-of-three isn’t ready to give up just yet.
Her most recent ‘call for love’ comes in the form of a published tweet.
“I’m ready to be a wife…” Kailyn confessed on Twitter.

Needless to say, the tweet had drawn lots of attention, both positive & negative.
As Kailyn’s Twitter account has more than a million ‘Teen Mom’ fans following her, most of them are already familiar with her past.
“Never going to happen you need a real job ppl are so over this stuff of watching you do nothing. You just got lucky like winning lotto,” one fan wrote.
Contrary to the negative comments, one fan stated that marriage comes naturally.
“When you’re happy and content by yourself, that’s when the right person will come into your life.”